FORMAÇÃO Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6 Empresa:Rumos Formação Profissional Data de início formação:24 de Fevereiro. @import url(/app_themes/blank/main.css); Introdução: JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP(TM) page) technology and servlets are the key web-tier technologies defined in theJava(TM) Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform). The Web Component Development With Servlet andJSP(TM) Technologies, Java EE6 course provides experienced developers of Java technology applications theknowledge and skills to quickly build web applications suited to any Java EE 6 application server using JSP and servlettechnologies. Students are exposed to the current methods for analyzing, designing, developing, and deploying webapplications with Java technologies. Lab exercises provide students with experience in constructing and deploying thesmall-to-medium scale web applications found in intranet and low-volume commercial sites. The course features theJava EE 6 technology, and uses the Java EE 6 SDK and the Glassfish Application Server. The students perform the labexercises using the NetBeans (TM) Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This course is also an excellentmethod of preparing for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 JavaServer Pages andServlet Developer certification examination. Objectivos Específicos: _Write servlets using the Java programming language (Java servlets) _Create robust web applications using MVC architecture, session management, filters, and database integration Write JSP pages _Create easy to maintain view components using JSP pages, the Expression Language, and elements of the JSP Standard Tag Library Create secure web applications using the features of the Java EE web container. Horário: Pós-laboral Destinatários: Estudantes, licenciados, desempregados Data: 24 de Fevereiro de 2014 Duração total do curso: 30 horas Oferta: Facilidades de pagamento > Isenção do valor do IVA a particulares Local: Porto (Distrito do Porto) Partilhar esta informação Enviar a oferta: Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6 Comentários Pedir Mais Informações Imprimir Para saber mais informações sobre o curso preencha o formulário abaixo: *Nome completo: *E-mail: *Telefone: Enviar